2009年2月18日 星期三

80年代一首批判共產集權的電子舞曲......The Great Commandment

The Great Commandment這首歌是80年代西德國當時(應該稱西德)電子樂團Camouflage的成名代表作,歌詞的內容講的是極權世界的權威指令帶給人們的影響。
就算你一時看不懂The Great Commandment的歌詞原文,但只要欣賞完歌曲的MV,大概也明白這首歌的意思了!
隨後1989年11月9日,分隔東西兩德28年的柏林圍牆,在世人見證下  ,喜悅又感慨萬千地被拆除,那年我高中畢業,對於未來........心情也跟當時兩德人民一樣;喜悅、期待、未知、憂愁.....

The Great Commandment

Some people supress you
hey partch you and reap a disaster.

Reeducation For the enfants 
who demanded for an innocent instance.
The great commandment shows the contempt
Between the world and their embarrasing pavement.
Believe the scholars read the readings
Realize the man who says anything.
The great commandment -
The needies believe you
they treat you like survivor disaster.
Reeducation for the enfants
who demanded for an innocent instance.
The great commandment shows the contempt . . .
The great commandment shows the contempt . . .
The great commandment shows the contempt . . .