2007年9月23日 星期日

一首百聽不厭的80年代電子歌曲Send Me an Angel ,來自澳洲的Real Life樂團在1983年所唱


這三個頻道每週都報導美國每週最新的流行歌曲排行(Billboard or CashBox 兩個排行榜),我還記得當時他們播出的時間及所選用的排行資料:

ICRT電台(當時稱為美軍電台): 每週日 上午10:00 - 12:00
選用的排行資料 -  Billboard

警察廣播電台的余光(青春之歌)每週五 晚上19:00 - 20:00
選用的排行資料 -  Billboard or CashBox

中廣的羅小雲(知音時間)每週五 晚上 20:00 - 22:00
選用的排行資料 -  CashBox

而這首百聽不厭的80年代電子歌曲Send Me an Angel,是來自澳洲的Real Life樂團在1983年所作的歌曲,當時我就被歌曲一開始的電子旋律所吸引,接著是電子鼓的勁力節拍,再來是中段反覆唱著那句....send me an angel....send me an angel.....right now....right now.....聽到此時,整首歌像是將你拋入高空之中,正如歌詞一開始所說do you believe in heaven above 的 heaven above......

Real Life樂團推出這首歌後,似乎就沒有其他較為突出的作品,大概就像所謂“一片歌手”吧!僅管如此,這首他們在距現在24年前所唱的Send Me an Angel,一直不斷被重新編排曲調,一再被翻唱,我在網站就找到幾個不同版本,甚至有部講越野單車的青少年勵志電影RAD (1986年拍攝),也以這首歌為主題曲。

Send Me An Angel  (by Real Life) :

Send me an angel
Send me an angel
Right now, right now

Send me an angel
Send me an angel
Right now, right now

Do you believe in heaven above?
Do you believe in love?
Don't tell a lie, don't be false or untrue
It all comes back to you

Open fire!
On my burning heart
I've never been lucky in love
My defenses are down
A kiss or a frown
I can't survive on my own

If a girl walks in and draws her name in my heart
I'll turn and run away
Everyday we've all been led astray
It's hard to be lucky in love

It gets in your eyes
It's making you cry
Don't know what to do
Don't know what to do
You're looking for love
Calling heaven above

Send me an angel
Send me an angel
Right now, right now

Send me an angel
Send me an angel
Right now, right now

Empty dreams can only disappoint
In a room behind your smile
But don't give up, don't give up
(give up, give up, give up)
You can be lucky in love

It gets in your eyes
It's making you cry
Don't know what to do
Don't know what to do
You're looking for love
Calling heaven above

Send me an angel
Send me an angel
Right now, right now

Send me an angel
Send me an angel
Right now, right now

(Repeat 3 times)

...Right now