2008年12月15日 星期一


令人期待已久的列治文奧林匹克橢圓競速滑冰場(The Richmond Olympic Oval, or the Richmond Oval ,簡稱ROO)終於在20081212正式對外開放,還記得去年8月自台灣回溫哥華後,騎自行車常經過該滑冰場的工地,(請參閱敝人愉2007/09/092008/05/10的文章),我可以說是親眼見她一天天從荒地到打地基;從紮樑到組合,一步步架構出來,真的非常高興看到她今天的成果。
The Richmond Olympic Oval, or the Richmond Oval is[1] a facility in Richmond , British Columbia , Canada . It will be the venue of the speed skating events of the 2010 Winter Olympics. The cost of the project is currently estimated at $178 million.
列治文奧林匹克橢圓競速滑冰場,位於加拿大的英屬哥倫比亞省(卑詩省) 列治文市,是2010年冬季奧林匹克運動會競速滑冰項目的主要場地,其工程經費截至目前,已經估算約為17800萬加幣,(50億台幣)
It has been built on a site beside the Fraser River , a few blocks away from Lansdowne Station on the Canada Line. From the air, the roof takes the stylized native shape of a heron's wing, a tribute to the Salish First Nation and the large wading bird that cohabited the riverbank at first European contact 230 years ago. It covers 33,000 m² of space, including a 20,000 m² main floor that includes a 400 m refrigerated track. It can accommodate 8,000 spectators.
ROO場館坐落於菲莎河畔,距離配合2010冬奧而即將興建完工的捷運線加拿大線(Canada Line)十分接近。從空中鳥瞰場館屋頂,呈現原住民傳統繪圖之蒼鷺圖形,以紀念230年前歐洲的探險者,在此河畔與居住於此的Salish族及蒼鷺的第一次接觸。
場館總含面積約33千平方公尺(1萬坪),其中主館部份約2萬平方公尺(6千坪);主館內包括400公尺 標準競速滑冰道,可容那8,000名觀眾。
A distinctive feature of the Richmond Oval is its unique "wood wave" roof. This roof, which is one of the longest clear spans in North America , includes one million board feet of B.C. pine-beetle kill wood linked together in undulating sections to create a beautifully rippled effect. These one of a kind wood panels were designed by structural engineers Fast + Epp and constructed at the design build firm Structure Craft Builders Inc. in Delta, B.C. The remainder of the building structure was designed by structural engineers Glotman.Simpson Consulting Engineers. Some items of interest included the design for a flat ice surface and the architectural piers used to support the roof structure.
The principal and lead project architect is Bob Johnston of Cannon Design, who was involved in the design of both the Calgary and Salt Lake City tracks.
ROO場館主要整體統籌設計是由設計師Bob Johnston所屬公司負責,該公司亦曾負責1988年加拿大亞伯達省舉辦的卡加利冬運(1988 Calgary Winter Olympic) 2002年美國猶他州鹽湖城冬運(2002 Salt Lake City Winter Olympic)的建設。
After the Olympics, the oval will be converted to a multi-use sport facility that will include two Olympic-sized ice rinks, up to eight hardwood ball-sport courts, a gymnasium, a 200 m track and a rubberized turf area. The speed-skating oval will be covered with removable flooring and could still be used for competition.
After site preparation eventually on November 17th 2006 the construction of the oval began. [3] The Richmond Oval has officially opened on December 12, 2008.