p.s. 許冠傑的原曲名叫“亦算是緣份”;而草蜢版才叫做“也算是緣份”,此外 許冠傑的“亦算是緣份”其實是他跟張曼玉、利智、孫興、吳家麗、李麗珍....等在1990年赴剛解體的蘇聯拍的一部電影The Dragon from Russia 紅場飛龍(台譯:淚眼煞星) 裡面的插曲,這部片雷聲大雨點小;在當年說是遠征蘇聯出外景拍攝,其實絕大部份後製還是在香港,我個人覺得是部爛片.............
song (Leningrad) was written by Joel about a Russian clown named Viktor, whom
he met while touring the Soviet Union in 1987. Throughout the song, major items
of Viktor's and Joel's lives are compared to show the cultural difference of
the United States of America and the Soviet Union.
In the
song, Joel expresses Viktor's life as one of many Soviet children who lost
fathers during World War II. He was enlisted into the Red Army, drank Vodka to
fight the pain, and then became a circus clown, bringing joy to the Russian
described his childhood life as being "born in '49, a cold war kid in
McCarthy time." He describes his life briefly of living in Levittown, and
the fear of the Cuban Missile Crisis. Joel also makes a reference to the Korean
War, widely considered a proxy war to the Cold War, as well as the Cuban
Missile Crisis and the Vietnam War.
Joel也描述了他自己的童年;他是1949年生,那是個彌漫著冷戰與麥卡錫主義 (反共主義)的年代,他同時也提到居住在Levittown(Billy Joel的老家,位於紐約州)的日子,及發生在1962年的古巴導彈危機,以及整個前後冷戰時期的著名衝突;諸如韓戰、越戰。這些都是當時所謂民主與集權、資本與共產兩陣營的對立!
In the
end, the two meet after Billy's Leningrad concert (Viktor had journeyed across
Russia to see all six of Russian concerts), where Viktor draws a laugh from
Billy's daughter Alexa, then they hug. In the song's final line Billy states,
"We never knew what friends we had, until we came to Leningrad."
歌曲最後,說到Billy Joel 與Viktor在1987年的演唱會相互認識了 (Viktor參與了Billy Joel當年在蘇聯全境6場所有演唱會),當他們兩相擁的那一刻,什麼冷戰、什麼敵對你我、什麼蘇聯美國,都是沒有意義的對立!於是Billy Joel 很感慨地寫到“我們竟從不知道在世界的另一端有這樣的朋友;直到此時此刻我們同聚在列寧格勒”。